JOHARA Initiative
Joining Our Harvest And Reaching Abroad
“Building a Better Tomorrow, Today”
A Community Improvement Initiative
Study Hall/Tutoring Program
Volunteer Teachers/Students and Professionals participate in assisting students with homework both during school hours and in a study hall setting. Study Hall locations vary but are all regulated by the same policy.
Study Hall Hours: Mon-Fri 4pm-9pm Saturday 10am-2pm; 4pm-8pm
Tutoring Hours: During School Hours/Study Hall
Teachers/Professional Volunteers choose the days and subject(s) in which they are available to assist students with homework. Teachers may also invite their students to attend study hall. Tutors will be expected to adhere to the schedule agreed upon.
Volunteer Requirements are as follows:
Owner of a business that is registered with JOHARA Initiative
Employed by school district or local business that is registered with JI
Background check
Student volunteers must be 3.0 students in order to become a peer tutor. Students must also have either S or E in conduct. Peer tutors must be interviewed by JI representative. Peer tutors are awarded community service hours and verification letters are available monthly. Community service hours are useful for scholarship applications and when applying for jobs.
Application/Counselor Referral 3.0 or better GPA/S or better in conduct
Interview Parent Agreement Signed Orientation
Volunteers will be given schedules based on availability and/or assigned days. All volunteers are expected to be present on the agreed days. Volunteers must be dressed appropriately and arrive on time. Dress codes and expectations are explained during orientation. All volunteers must attend orientation.
In the event that a volunteer cannot make their shift, they must call and speak with the Volunteer Coordinator. After three missed shifts (without contacting VC), volunteers will forfeit any hours for that week and will be removed from the schedule. If a volunteer is removed twice they will be removed from the program and will forfeit any hours for that month.
Volunteers are vital to this program. We expect all volunteers to honor their commitments as the students rely on their assistance. Please communicate any issue that prevents or delays your arrival.
JOHARA Initiative Academic Achievers Study Hall/ Tutoring Program
Volunteer Orientation
The JOHARA Initiative provides this service to assist students with homework and understanding subject matter. Our volunteers are dedicated to providing students with help and are not expected to complete assignments. Improvement in grades is the responsibility of the student. The JOHARA Initiative does not guarantee better grades for any student but will utilize every resource to equip our students with the tools for success.
Thank you for assistance with the Academic Achievers tutorial program. Your time and efforts to assist our students is greatly appreciated. In order to provide the absolute best service to our students in need, we have established the following procedures. It is expected that all volunteers adhere to these procedures and failure to do so will result in termination and forfeit of hours.
Dress Code: Volunteer Coordinators may ask volunteers to change clothes or dismiss volunteers that are out of dress code.
Volunteers must be neatly dressed when reporting to Study Hall site.
No excessively tight or revealing (short) clothing (this includes mid-drift shirts).
Clothing with racially or sexual statements implied or otherwise are not allowed.
Clothing may not promote alcohol or drug use.
Clothing may not have profane language or gang paraphernalia.
Volunteer schedules are done based on the availability of each volunteer.
All volunteers are expected to arrive on time and on the days agreed.
After three missed shifts (without contacting VC), volunteers will be removed from the schedule and forfeit any hours.
Volunteers that are removed twice will forfeit all hours for the month and will be removed from the registry.
If a student discloses personal information regarding abuse or safety, please inform the JI representative immediately.
All volunteers must exhibit professional behavior and conversation.
Conversation should be limited to subject matter and not be of a personal nature.
Tutors are not allowed to exchange personal information during Study Hall.
Profanity, racial comments, loud music, or any form of disrupted behavior during study hall is not allowed.
Student Expectations
Students attending study hall must abide by the same dress code and conduct as volunteers. The following expectations during study hall are as follows:
Code of Conduct:
Students will be respectful of tutors and answer appropriately when speaking to both adults and each other.
Yes Ma'am/Sir is preferred when speaking to an adult. A polite Yes or No is acceptable.
Students will be addressed as Mr. or Miss by volunteers (fosters a respectful environment).
Laptops are allowed but must be used for school related assignments (no social media).
Students will be responsible for keeping up with textbooks brought to study hall.
Group work must be approved. If there is excessive talking, students will be separated.
No sleeping. This is not daycare, it’s study hall.
Sick students will have to be picked up or sign out of study hall.
No cross talking—focus on your assignments.
No eating or drinking during study hall.
No earphones, electronics, or cell phones used during study hall.
No socializing—this is not a lounge. You are here to complete your schoolwork.
No name calling. Everyone is either Miss or Mr. during study hall.
Tutoring is provided at no cost to students. All expectations will be met to ensure a safe, learning environment for our students. Any student that disrupts study hall will be removed. Parents will be contacted and notified of removal.
Students removed more than twice will not be allowed to return.